The Over-compensation Questionnaire.

Instructions: If a statement may have once been true, is possibly true, or clearly true for you, place a check next to the Theme’s Code. Remember how important it is to identify your modes of over-compensation and avoidance. These need to be interrupted to undermine our maladjusted schema activity.

Impressing Others Explore Topic
I'm often concerned about looking good in the eyes of others.
I rely on impressing people to feel secure with them.

A distinction needs to be drawn between our healthy intention to make a good impression, and the compensatory activity that leads us to invest ourselves in being impressive to feel secure. The maladjusted coping mechanism functions more like a survival mechanism than a social preference. In other words, when we don’t come out "looking good" we become measurably anxious. Impressing Others becomes an imperative. The conditional assumption associated with this mode is: "As long as I come out looking good, then I’m all right. If I don’t come out looking good, then I’m not all right."

This coping mode may compensate for feeling chronically ashamed or defective or inadequate. The person using this mode will continually judge whether he or she is being impressive in the eyes of others or not. This judging activity is fear-driven. It can be highly distracting from what may be actually happening interpersonally. The coping mode leaves us more self-conscious than we should be and sets us up for feeling disconnected and anxious.

However, even if you do not feel especially anxious, simply using this compensatory mode means that you are already reacting to what you fear. Thus, your behavior is already fear-driven. Reacting to our maladjusted schema, for instance, with fantasies of Being Impressive is actually a form of worrying. It is unconsciously assuming that we actually have the negative quality that we fear. Worrying in this fashion can become so habitual that a person assumes that this is normal and harmless. The truth is that any activity that validates a false, deprecating presumption about ourselves harms us.

I have fantasies of being found guiltless from false accusations.
I find myself trying to prove that I'm a good person.

I often think to myself,"I'll show them."
I often have fantasies of being heroic or honored.

I make up stories about myself to impress others.
I will, at times, present myself falsely.

I know just what to say, and how to say it, to get over on most people.
I con people.

I can't let go of anger, without somehow getting back.
I want to punish people who offend me, or my family.

I find it necessary to control others to get my needs met.
I presume leadership.

I don't like being dependent on anyone.
I have trouble committing to one person.

I am obsessed with acquiring security, money, and things and possessions.
I feel envious of other people’s possessions.

I often think:" If you're not smarter or better than me, you're not entitled to criticize me.”
I frustrated important people in my life, because I am so self absorbed.

I become critical, and judgmental.
I think a lot about how totally wrong some people are.

People I care about rely on me to keep things together.
I take care of others, rather than caring for myself.

I worry a lot to control misfortune.
I am preoccupied with negative scenarios.

Did this page help? If you did not find yourself in these characterizations, worry not. However, if you detect a possible habitual activity, hold on to the insight. You can begin to work on it by recognizing that it is not completely personal, but a condition of nature.