The Avoidant Coping Mode Questionnaire

Instructions: If a statement may have once been true, is possibly true or clearly true for you, place a check next to the Theme’s Code in the left column. You will later have an opportunity to assess whether or not this avoidant theme is active in your life. Remember how important it is to identify your modes of avoidance. These need to be interrupted to undermine our maladjusted schema activity.

Burying Thoughts Explore Topic
Sometimes when I'm upset things don't appear real. I don't respond emotionally when I should. I can't remember things from my past that well.

When we bury dreaded thoughts they surface in unwelcome ways. They can manifest as compulsive behavior, sudden panic, bad dreams, physical maladies or serious distortions in our perceptions. The problem with identifying and treating buried thoughts is that they are not readily recognized. It is as if the dreaded thoughts do not exist. We are consequently left perplexed as we suffer intrusive or bizarre symptoms. We get better when we interrupt this avoidant coping mode. It is then that our defenses let up and we are allowed to assess our maladjusted beliefs and connect them to recollections of our misfortunes. Mindfulness Based Anxiety Reduction radically accepts our emotional experience and provides the bases for a new way of coping.

When we cope with dreaded feelings and thoughts with the avoidant coping mode Burying Thoughts we can become spacey and disconnected. We withdraw inside, cutting off some of the world around us. This way of coping comes at a cost. As we dissociate ourselves from our experience our memory becomes impaired and we lose intellectual vitality. Our ability to respond to the things around becomes difficult.

Burying Thoughts that we consider dreadful can also result in migraines skin rashes and bowel problems. Burying Thoughts is a poor long-term solution.

Getting better from Burying Thoughts is generally and perhaps preferably a slow going process. By slowly coming out of the practice of Burying Thoughts we can maintain our current level of functioning and heal our wounds gradually.

We start by learning to resist the immediate practice of Burying Thoughts. In other words, we start facing our experience, becoming unconditionally interested in what we are thinking and what we are feeling. This initiates our recovery.

I frequently avoid situations that may be uncomfortable. I sleep through, or miss, important appointments. I feel it is a major hassle to do chores. I sometimes don't come out of my house.

I chain smoke. I use pornography too much. I buy things I don't need. I gamble too much. I use drugs. I drink too much.

I go off on tangents, avoiding what I have to do. I'm often too busy to deal with my problems.

Hope you find this interesting, if not relevant. If you identify with any of these coping modes, hold on to the insight. You will learn to treat these symptoms with mindful exposure practices, in which you contemplatively recall, and even re-experience the coping reality. Exposures of this kind need to be regularly occurring. The exposure practices intend to accept the emotional wound as well as the maladjusted coping mode as an act of nature. It is recognized as not being fully personal. This provides psychological distance. Avoidant coping can coexist with radical acceptance. Acceptance, then moves us forward in the maturation process. We accept, include, and transcend the stages of our life experience.