Why is "Forgiving" applied in Non-Conceptual Meditation? How is Forgiving Related to Non-duality?

In the practice of Non-Conceptual Meditation, the invoked word "forgiving" (also "forgiven") may be used as an inline to assist practitioners in shift from ordinary-dualistic awareness, which is characterized by conditional acceptance of present-reality, to NonDualCosmicConsciousness, which is characterized by the radical acceptance of present-reality -- as it is.   

So, in Non-conceptual Meditation, forgiving functions as a means to breakthrough the barrier of duality to non-dual awareness.  Forgiving, especially complimented by the intent to "include unwanted thoughts" is an effective way of dismissing intrusive judgments, and arising scenarios that subvert the intention to shift to non-dual awareness.  Hence, distracting thoughts, like arising ego-affirming scenarios, as well as feelings like doubt, are forgiven and included, rather than being condemned as "beneath me," or being expelled as "unacceptable."  This inclusive orientation resonates with the AlreadyForgivenUniverse, which is TheGodhead. The AlreadyForgivenUniverse -- the actual state of existence -- may be understood as our TrueNature and the TrueNature of all things. Forgiving, as applied in Non-conceptual Meditation, intends to bring the relative self -- you and me -- into accord with the All-Embracing IndivisibleSelf.  G-d, and the savage rule of nature, are forgiven, despite the many horrors that come with existing.  Here, forgiveness shows an efficacy that surpasses the limitations of will power. 

We pass through the dimensional barrier between duality and non-duality through the grace of absorption, rather than the strength of will. The mystic, who communes with the G-dhead, calls us to venture towards TheForgiven: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing," writes the poet Rumi, "there is a field.  I’ll meet you there."  Like putting on corrective lenses, forgiving reveals what is so easily missed when retribution is confused for justice:  "The world forgiven is the world transformed," declares the channeler of the Course In Miracles.  An insightful French saying states: "Understanding all is forgiving all." Thus, wisdom is alerting us to the remarkable scope of forgiving.  

"Forgiving-all swallows the ocean in one gulp." That might be a Zen way of saying it. The absorption of the relative-self by the IndivisibleSelf is known in the Western mystical tradition as grace.  Grace happens "unto us." Effort may bring us to the boundary of Eternity, but it is forgiving, and its equivalents, that provide for the possibility of breaking through the barrier of dual awareness, and awakening as the TranscendentEternalMystery.

Forgiving, in the practice of Non-conceptual Meditation, functions as a portal to CosmicConsciousness. Forgiving of this sort is not generosity, but realization.  This teaching will likely need to be contemplated for some time, before it is understood, and becomes a means to non-dual awareness.  This is because radical-forgiveness, the kind of forgiveness practiced in Non-conceptual Meditations, is not equivalent to the more common understanding of forgiving.   Commonly, we forgive conditionally.  We may excuse a transgression perpetrated against us, on condition that it does not continue to occur.   Radical forgiveness occurs within yourself.  It is more like forgiving an awful aspect of life, like hatred, greed and ignorance. Radical forgiving is infinite compassion, which can appear unappealing, impractical --  if not impossible. However, The AlreadyForgivenUniverse is OurTrueDivineNature.  Forgiving harmonizes us with the hidden Godhead -- who dreams The AlreadyForgivenUniverse.