Walking Meditation

Incanting The Guidance Of Meister Eckhart

(10 minute) Meditation

Page Pdfs

8 Reflections: Non-duality as Indivisibility  




Non-conceptual meditation calls us to the practice of evoking OurTrueDivineNature.  It is surely an ancient call. It directs us to be still, to pause, and look into this thing called life.  Why?  Because, meditative stillness unveils the indivisible nature of reality.  With that awakening, we are able to see our true identity as inseparable from the world we live through. This is the Wisdom Of The Ages that calls to us, eternally.  


Through the grace of TheEnlightenedTeacher, and the application of non-conceptual meditation, we awaken to IndivisibleReality.  This means finding that nothing exists independently.  Everyone, including ourselves, exists solely through inter-connectedness.  "What we are looking at is what is looking," the saying goes.  This notion leads us in a profound reorganization. Poets and mystics, throughout the ages have pointed us towards this kindly perception.

We may, for instance, become aware that the bumblebee, and the garden only co-occur.  There is no bumble bee without a garden -- and no garden without a bumblebee.  In the same way, we may become aware that there is no you, without the garden of your environment -- and there is no garden of your environment, without you.  The "pointer" is that you, and reality are one and the same.  This is Indivisibility.  




Awakening to Indivisibility leads us to contemplate the EntireDivineDrama, as our essential self.  We are, then, every reality in the "dream of life" -- the hero and the villain, the playwright and the audience, the conflict and the resolution.  Interdependent realities, the only kind there are, do not exist without each other.  For example, the realities of standing, moving or feeding only occur relationally with the ground, empty space, and other life forms.  This portrayal of our nature points to non-duality, which benefits us by resolving the existential problem of feeling separate from, and even at war with, our environment.  


We have, for instance, seen the intention to dominate nature play-out in our collective behaviors.  Thinking that nature is to be conquered was a common sentiment in the technically advancing, Euro-Centric cultures.  This mind-set, coincidental with the Industrial Revolution, became a norm a little before the 1800s.  In contrast, mystic sensibilities have always seen our relationship with nature as a love affair. The mystical perspective recognizes our inter-connection with nature, as the foundation of our being.  




The practice of Non-conceptual Meditation, which is sitting in silence, helps to "turn down the volume" on automatic thoughts, and arising scenarios that surface when we sit to commune with IndivisibleReality. The intrusive thoughts are dualistic-oriented imaginings.  Characteristically, they are "about me, about it, or about you."  They are couched in scenarios, always having a past and a future.  These scensarios are "the objects" that obstruct access to TheDivine.  Apparently, the mind instinctively hinders Indivisibility from being readily detected.  Likely, this instinct has to do with surviving as creatures.   


The dualistic-oriented mind is ordained the essential task of surviving.  Its function is, then, to differentiate you from the ground you stand on, from the food you eat, and from the universe in which you participate.  This indispensable function supports survival, as well as delivers the adventure of living.  The arts, sciences, grammar and algebra are provided by the mind's dualistic functions.  Yet, these same indispensable and cherished activities, simultaneously cloud the UnderlyingIndivisibility that is, both, the G-dhead, and OurTrueNature.           




Non-duality is the common revelation in Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, and Taoism.  These distinct traditions separated by languages, times, places, personages, and narratives share this common revelation.  The revelation may best be understood as an awakening to the inseparability of everyone and everything.  A modern, secular term for this understanding is "microcosm."  The term suggests that the whole universe exists at every point, like a holographic image.  "Every thing," as the saying goes, "is everything."   This is the breakthrough realization that seems so commonly difficult to digest. The difficulty is understandable, because creatures function through distinctions: "I am not the ground beneath my feet.  Nor, am I the lifeforms that sustain me."  These are justifiable, dualistic assumptions. 


However, distinctions are not equivalent to separation.  Consider, for instance, the fact that you, and the ground beneath your feet, while distinct, are inseparably one in the function of standing.  Consider that you, and the lifeforms you devour, while distinct, are inseparably one in the function of feeding.  The indispensable functions of standing and feeding demonstrate to us that we exist through inter-connectivity.   All functions are equivalently relational.  So, the RealYou -- that which is happening -- is InfiniteRelatedness. You and your environmental context are one and the same.  




Indivisibility leads us to recognize that our own life is the same life being led by every other creature, as well as every other life form.  We are equal status players in This --TheDivineDrama.   We don't want to be harmed, yet we must harm, and slaughter other life forms to survive.  Mythologist Joseph Campbell calls this "the savage rule of existence." We first become aware of this as children, and it horrifies us. Children pass through a period when they fear being eaten. This is not delusion, but evidence of non-dual awareness.  The child empathizes with the slaughtered.  Sophisticated parents recognize this phase, simply as their child's empathy, rather than their child's irrational terror.  We too remain terrified.  It's clear that children require consolation, instead of correction on this matter.  We too, need the same consolation.  Our circumstances are no different.


As a young child, I accompanied my father to a gathering, somewhere in New York City.  When I walked into the apartment, I was surprised to see a cute little goat running around. Not long after, I saw the same goat hung in the bathroom, being butchered.  It saddened me, and it was also quite horrific. Similar sentiments persist with me today, as I lament human violence, and cruelty.  However, as a teacher, awakened to non-duality, I no longer attribute cruelty and greed exclusively to the people who commit these errors.  The propensity to sin is part of the plot in this DivineDrama.  The lens of non-duality reveals that all events, without exception, are cosmic in origin.  Apparently, consciousness is evolving through a DivineTemplate.  When sin arises, the  virtuous are stirred, when illness occurs, healers are birthed, when a country is swayed by hate, peace makers find their voice. Trusting the life process, and understanding that it is always LifeItself that is happening, opens the portal to SelfRealization and InfiniteCompassion.


The Guru


People from distinct cultures find sacred wisdom in the same way -- through self-inquiry.  "What am I?" is the inevitable question that, in some way, arises in every person who has the opportunity to mature.  It's through the impetus of this inquiry that Non-dualReality, and the G-dhead are uncovered.  


Most of us are aware that certain people are especially called to this inquiry.  These are the BlessedGurus that arise in the spiritual cultures of the world. The term Guru is not meant to be an exclusionary, or a culturally specific, denotation.  The word Guru means "a spiritual teacher."  More so, it means a DivinePerson, who embodies SacredReality.  Jesus of Nazareth, for example, was such a person.  He was a Guru, which is evident in the epic story of his life.  Jesus, as portrayed in the New Testament, is no longer a divisible person.  Awakened to IndivisibleReality, TheGuru is CosmicConsciousness, Itself -- OurTrueDivineNature.     


In the light of this proposition, consider the implications of Jesus' statement, "I and my Father are One."  Though it may be understood in countless ways, allow me to offer two interpretations related to Indivisibility.  My first inference recalls Hindu mythology, which envisions the G-dhead as the TranscendentDreamer of this reality.  The Hindu vision of the DreamingG-dhead exactly replicates when you, or I, dream lucidly:  You're in a dream.  But, you know it.  What's more, you know you're actually in another, transcendent reality -- sleeping.  Point being: You, the dreamt, and you, the dreamer are one and the same. This echoes Jesus'Words, "I and my Father are One" which reflects HisReality, and which is also OurReality, as well. The lucid dreaming metaphor is compelling, because when We dream, we reenacting creation.  We -- you and I -- exist at every possible level in existence, just as we do in our dreamscapes.  That is how existence is fashioned.  We are inherently Indivisible.   


The other interpretation I'm offering is much the same: The IlluminatedJesus, I believe, is indicating, in the language of His time, that He and AllCreation are one and the same thing.  Again, In HisEnlightenment, He is IndivisibleReality -- as are we all, know it, or not.  The IlluminatedBeing is not only a person, but TheUniverse, SelfRealized.  These two interpretations point at non-duality, which, apparently, was successfully imparted to Jesus' early followers. This is indicatied by the arising of non-violent culture. 




It is highly notable that Jesus's torture and execution was not accursed, as one might expect his devotees to do. Instead, the Apostle Peter called the Hebrew hierarchy -- the Pharisees -- to repent.  What followed in the decades to come was a remarkable non-violent movement, crystalized by a repentant Pharasee -- Paul.  Paul's stunning insights, too often unidentified, portrays Non-dualRevelation.  Paul will no longer attribute human behavior to humans, but to TheDivine:  In his letter to the Romans 11:32, Paul brings attention to the DivineDrama saying: "For God has bound everyone over to disobedience, so that He may have mercy on them all."  So, according to Paul, all humanity is bound to disobey "the right thing to do," just as Adam and Eve did, in the Garden Of Eden.  The disobedience of God's prohibition, launches us into knowledge, at the cost of DivineInnocense.  However, the transgression of disobedience is cosmic in nature, and part of the DivineDrama -- thus, eternally forgiven in the MercyOfG-d.  Paul's statement points at Non-dualRevelation.  He has made the QuantumLeap to IndivisibleReality.   


ChristConsciousness reoriented Paul.  He awakened from His dream of being one of the elect of God, a Pharasee, to CosmicConsciousness -- TheGuru.  In the chronicle of Paul's conversion, The RessurectedJesus imbues Paul with IndivisibleReality -- JesusHimself.   Paul, then, is no longer just a divisible person;  He is an IlluminatedSaint.  The account of Paul'sEnlightenment presents quite differently from the narrative of Buddha'sEnlightenment.  However, they are exactly the same.  IndivisibleReality is CosmicIllumination.  Enlightenment is neither an opinion, nor a perspective.  It's no one's personal reality. The illumination is PrimordialAwareness, seeing Itself.   


It appears, from biblical and historical accounts, that DivineInspiration led Paul, and the earliest Christians, to regard oppression, as  an error of ignorance, not to be resisted.  This accords with Mahatma Gandhi's movement, that resulted in India's liberation from British rule. It also accords with the Dalai Lama's and the Tibetan-people's non-violent strategy, dealing with China's brutal invasion, and occupation of their country.  Historical records on Rome's handling of the Christian movement suggest that the non-violent ethos lasted several hundred years.  The early Christians were practicing non-resistance -- a persuasive, even irresistible, tactic.  Eventually, Rome would adopt Christianity as its state religion.  The evolving Holy Roman Empire would, then, gradually outlaw Non-dualRevelation, as Christianity becomes a Nation-State in the 5th Century.  




Being outlawed, of course, does not stop Non-dualRevelation from reemerging.  Towards the end of the 5th century, a Christian-Syrian monk, known as Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, would write two short literary works -- "On The Divine Names," and "The Mystical Theology."   These writings, clearly inspired by non-duality, will expand the image of God, from a CosmicMonarch, to a "Mind, beyond the reach of mind, and a Word, beyond utterance."  This expanded image of G-d, now incorporates the human potential to become God, as Jesus and AllMystics have.

Letting go of the the mind, and practicing utter silence, now mediates the human being and TheG-dhead. This suggests, as Jesus indicated that FiniteReality and InfiniteReality -- I and MyFather -- are inherently one and the same.  


My earliest encounters with Non-duality had their daunting moments. I learned that we die to this divisible world, to awaken to IndivisibleReality.  I can recall protesting to God, "I'm not ready to die!"  I chuckle, now, as I imagine God replying: "OK, I'll give you everlasting life, instead."  It keeps getting funnier, the deeper I dive into Indivisibility.  There's lots of humor on the venture to DivineRevelation.  Meditating twice a day, and adoring the EnlightenedBeing is not so bad -- In fact, it's IncomparableHappiness, and DivineBliss.   


Lady Luck shines on us, when the Guru appears on our journey.  Not all cast members of this DivineDrama are given the same  script.  Through the magic of Youtube, Indian-born Guru Nisargadatta Maharaj made His appearance in my reality in the 1990s, to say to me, "No one experiences reality; there is only reality."  Nisargadatta's profundity is unapologetic, and sometimes borders on dark humor:  "Abandon false ideas, that is all.  There is no need of true ideas. There aren't any."  When I "got it," I laughed till I cried.  The harder part was feeling that nobody else appreciates the humor. 


We are transformed by the Guru'sGrace.  He or She is OurTrueDivineNature -- OurIllumination.  Like Paul, we find ChristInUs -- we find IndivisibleReality.   With that reorientation, we know what to do, because we have tuned into TheHeart.  We are a new creation. The "savage rule of existence" has been forgiven.  The Adventure has taken TheTurn.   Join us, if you think you're ready.  Perhaps, with mutual understanding, we can, now, meditate together.

Question:  Can you interpret the pointer:  "No one experiences reality; there is only reality?"  What does this mean to you?  

