Assessing the nature of our irrational anxiety is critical in directing our Mindful Exposure work. You will want to identify your Core Schemas and perhaps recall the misfortunes that aided in their formation. These are your emotional wounds and the traumatizing experiences that come with living. This assessment may come into greater focus with the help of questionnaires, however psychological insight continues over time as you practice mindful-exposures.
You can identify your core issues contemplatively by reflecting on memories. You can also recruit the imaging assessment to assist you.
Review the video: “Identifying Our Life Traps” to learn about doing an imaging assessment. The link is posted on the left of the page.
The Assessment process will leads you to identify maladjusted coping modes -- avoidant and compensatory -- that sustain maladjusted schemas, and perpetuate disordered anxiety.
You will find in this Assessment Section two questionnaires that should prove helpful.
Take all the time you need to complete and evaluate each one. It is vital to remain mindful of the fact that the assessment process is ongoing. Every time you practice being Mindful, you will get a glimpse into the impressions life has left upon your mind. The questionnaires lead you through important doors of understanding. They help surface what maladjusted coping modes might be active in your affairs. I, for example, did not know I was over-compensating for many years. This lack of insight was costly. Using maladjusted coping modes ironically aggravate our anxieties, when it is our intention is to reduce them. You will see from the questionnaires and their outcome assessments that maladjusted coping behaviors resemble healthy coping behavior. However, they are in fact manifestations of unwarranted anxiety.