Here is a link that connects you with the website of the enlightened Catholic Priest Richard Rohr.  If you are unfamiliar with his work, visit:   Also, find Him on youtube. 


Here is a link to a great champion of Christian mysticism.  If you are unfamiliar with Father Matthew Fox visit:   Also, find him on youtube.

It's so important that we begin to think globally.  CosmicIllumination is the point of this site.  We benefit from unceasing exposure to the EnlightenedTeachers.  They all point at All-EmbracingLove, OurTrueDivineNature.  We're deeply gratiful for the work of Samanera Jayasara, who has incanted the teachings and confessions of Advaita Vedanta Sage Nisargadatta Mahajraj.   You may begin to review her generous offerings by visiting: