When I think about writing instruction on realizing effortlessness, I get the notion that this is going to take some effort. It appears to me, as it does to everyone, that it takes effort to get things done. This notion, of course, is not mistaken. And yet, in the stillness of non-conceptual meditation, we elect to make no conscious effort to do anything. Still, we observe biological, mental and environmental functions persisting.
It becomes apparent that a pervasive dynamism, which is effortless action, hides beneath our sense that we are the doers of action. The question arises,” who, then, walks, who breathes, who meditates?” The answer is unanticipated. It’s like nothing we have ever thought. (Smile)
When we first entered the meditative placement of attention, we sought connection with the substantial person within, the doer of action, only to find that ceasing from conscious effort does not stop anything at all. How curious. Is human action, then, occurring without an actor, just like the sun shining, or a plant growing? The answer is yes, and this mystery points to the meditative placement of attention.
Let us recall what is ordinary awareness. We have the impression that we are independent agents, functioning in an environment that is fully distinct from ourselves. This is duality, as well as ordinary awareness. Yet, a simple rational assessment of the body reveals that the apparent physical self is interrelated with not only lungs and heart, but interrelated with rain and sunshine. What we are is not local. Just following this rational course of inquiry reveals that what we are is interrelated, at both the subatomic and macro levels. These micro and macro functions are occurring effortlessly, and we are these functions.
Conclusion: Reality arises effortlessly. Even effort arises effortlessly.
Recommendations: Trust enough to be still and look -- seek support when you need it.