Subject and object suggests "you, and your environment." You are the subject, and your environment the object. Feeling different from your environment is a functional illusion, provided by nature to support survival, as well as to create the adventure of living. It is being other than what you’re looking at. You justifiably feel that you are not the same thing as your environment when, for instance, you take a walk. It's natural to feel it is distinctly "you" alone that walks. There is, however, a simultaneity between walking and the environment. We cannot "walk" without an indivisble relatedness to the "ground." The point here is that distinctions, like our environment and ourselves, do not connote separation. Distinction is not synonymous with separation. This is a "pointer" to non-dual awareness and, what may be described as the collapse of the subject object relationship.
There is no you without your environment. Though we commonly conceive ourselves as distinct from our food and the earth, we’re actually one and the same. We coexist to exist. We do not exist independent of our environmental context. Like inside and outside, positive and negative, we and our exterior reality are an interdependent singularity—one event.
We are indivisibly one with our environmental context, which is as necessary as any organ in our body. We are, then, as much the sun, the rain, and the earth as we are our kidneys, our hearts and our brains. If you accept that you are your kidneys, you may also understand that you are the sun shining. This, at first, sounds like an intellectual abstraction, however, non-conceptual meditation reveals this as real. What we are, is a cosmic event—an all-embracing relational phenomenon, rather than an isolated occurrence on the surface of a small planet. The hidden player in the game of life is "the real you"—the entirety of life itself.
This conceptual understanding helps us in shifting to the meditative placement of attention. This placement of attention is a "de-centered awareness." We let go of the tendency to personalize experience, as "something happening to me." What we do and what happens to us merge in the silence of non-conceptual meditation. The subject/object relationship collapses, revealing the "relational nature" of our being. "What we’re looking at, is what is looking." This is the unitive conception that courts unitive experience.
Communion with our foundation, the TranscendentEternalMystery, leads to compassion for all sentient creatures, as we cannot be divorced from anyone, anywhere, or anything. We and the universe, with all its life forms, and mysteries, is what we are. Accepting our cosmic nature may be associated with the highest revelations of the world’s spiritual traditions. It further suggests the actualization of our potential to function as well-oriented stewards of the planet/universe.