Trusting: A Portal to Non-dualAwareness

Trusting, as an intention, may be recognized as essential, when shifting from ordinary awareness to the non-ordinary state of non-dual meditation.  Ordinary awareness forms in values and mental events that are largely oriented to reinforce our dualistic self-conception, while Non-conceptual Meditation, on the other hand, targets self-conception for interruption.  Self-conceptualizing is both, individualistic and exclusive.  Non-conceptual  Meditation is both collective and inclusive. Thus, when we intend to shift to the non-dual meditation, an existential trial ensues. The dualistic mind, linked to our survival modes, battles non-duality for primacy, as if it non-duality was threatening.  This is the nature of things.  Apparently, he Divine hides behind very scary barriers.  It takes trust to let go of the conceptual self, and allow revelation to occur.

Duality Is Not Misguided 

We are challenged to let go of ego defenses.  We need to trust that we will not be harmed, or deprived, by devaluing self-affirming thoughts that personalize reality.  Personalizing is a dualistic function.  Personalizing is the compelling perspective in which we feel substantially different from our environmental context.   Duality is not misguided.  The notions of duality provide for survival.  Duality is necessary, and yet it is also illusory, as no person is independently substantial.  We and our environment solely coexist, just like inside and outside.   There is no subject that does not include its object.  Interrelatedness is the nature of  being.  It is our TrueNature.  Thus, when we select to court CosmicConsciousness, we trust that it is safe to suspend self-affirming thoughts, and direct awareness towards TheIndivisible.  Radical trust liberates us from being tentative about suspending self-conceptualizing, and allowing TheSacred to absorb us.