What is the barrier to DivineCommunion? The Hebrew Bible begins with this question. It suggests that knowledge — the knowledge of good and evil -- is the barrier that divides humanity from TheParadise of DivineCommunion. Interestingly, this conception is confirmed by the world’s mystical traditions. Hindus and Buddhists, as well as Christian mystics, like Meister Eckhart, confirm that the portal to DivineCommunion opens for the condition of "unknowing," rather than "knowing." The implication is that knowledge, in the form of self-interested thoughts, separates us from DivineUnion."
Non-duality philosopher Alan Watts explains: "It is by thinking that we divide the world into separate events." He argues, convincingly, that there are no freestanding objects, or separate events in Nature, as Nature operates solely as a whole. And yet, we know objects, like other people, and events, like birth and death. This is duality, and it is obviously natural. We, like other creatures, feel that we are independent agents, operating in a field that is other than ourselves. We, like other mammals, for instance, feel we are not the ground that supports us, nor the life-forms that sustain us. This impression is functional, yet it veils the UnderlyingSingularity. It is as if God hides within our own impression of being distinct from our environmental context.
This barrier may also be characterized as "personalizing our experience," and all creatures do it. The world of "personal reality" appears to be cosmic by design. Every thing functions as if separate from what it is not. Yet, without context, there is no being. This universal illusion of separation, is clearly not erroneous, but meant to function, just as it does. And yet an increasing number of human beings appear to be transcending this impression, and are consciously living "in life," and "as life" itself.
The mystics of the world's cultures point at this non-dual awakening: "We are not a being, but being itself, not in a circumstance, but circumstance itself." Mooji, a popular sage in the lineage of Ramana Maharshi, states: "Mind can only overwhelm you, when it takes the shape of a person." The mystic encourages us to transcend the impression of personhood to enjoin with everyone, everywhere, and everything..
DivineCommunion lies beyond notions of separation and categorization. It lays beyond thought. So too, is the medium of Non-conceptual Meditation. In the practice, we relax the notion of being the source of our actions. We allow IndivisibleNature to operate through us. We let go of the impression that we are meditating, that we may become meditation itself. This instruction points at the meditative placement of attention. In the practice, we devalue personalizing thoughts, and open our hearts, allowing for the absorption of the relative self by the IndivisibleTranscendentMystery—OurTrueNature.
The AbsoluteBeing and the RelativeBeing are intercurrent. This infers that we occur simultaneoulsly with our environmental context. So, we are then both, One As Compared To One Another, as well as OneWithoutAnother. As an entity, you host the entire universe, just as the InfiniteLife does. We have the impression we are in a vast universe, yet we simultaneously intuit that we are each the host of an entire universe. Without an individual "you," the Godhead could not know itself. We are not separate from the entirety of the universe, nor is the entirety of the universe separate from each of us. Non-Conceptual Meditation reveals this potential for us all.