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Welcome to Non-conceptual Meditation.

Duality & Non-duality

Most people at this point in global history are unfamiliar with non-duality, which is a concept that suggests that life is solely relational.  Nothing exists on its own.     

Non-dual revelation is the perception that our individuality is actually a mutuality — the individual exists solely through the relationship with his or her environment.  Realizing that mutuality is our foundation expands our sense of self from feeling local to feeling universal. 

You and your environmental context, the world you live in, are one thing, not two things.  You and I do not exist without the context of our environment.  We, for instance, cannot stand without standing on the ground, we cannot eat without eating other life forms,  we cannot move without moving through empty space.  So, the ground, other life forms, and empty space are as much "us" as is the rest of our environmental context.   We never exist independently, we only exist all-together, as a whole. 

When we apply the understanding that what we are is always both subject and object, the perceiver and the object of perception, our perspective shifts from duality to non-duality.  We are no longer fully locked into the notion of being something other than our world--other than what we're looking at.  However, duality, as a way of perceiving, is essential to our survival.  The lens of duality differentiates us from our food, other people, and our circumstances. This is necessary to thrive, yet this duality -- the conception that you are other than your environment --  also conceals the indivisibility of our TrueNature. 

In non-duality, we are always the "inclusive-reality," not just the "individualized body-mind."  Through the lens of non-duality, we are now both a cast member in the DivineDrama, as well as the entire DivineDrama, itself.    It's much like, when you're dreaming, you are as much the dreamscape, as you are the person in the dream. When living, we are as much TheLife, as we are the individual living it.  What you are, and what you are not -- this totality -- is what constitutes "you."  

This portrayal of "the self" points to non-dual revelation, as well as the meditative placement of attention.    


Meditation: Through The Lens Of Silence


Unlike verbal-based teachings, Non-conceptual Meditation is "silence."  This silence is not the absence of sound, but the quieting of the mind's chatter.  Quieting the mind provides opportunity to move beyond duality.  The chattering mind veils our TrueNature, by flooding consciousness with personalizing thoughts, associated with self-esteem, work, and opinions.  Thus, as practitioners of Non-conceptual Meditation, we redirect our attention away from personalizing thoughts, and wait quietly upon TheDivine to arise as the revelation of our TrueNature.


Meister Eckhart, an enlightened Christian, implores us to meditate, saying:  "Understand this truly, that remaining quite still, leaving memory, reason, and will behind, for as long at a time as possible, is the best thing you can do."  He does not stop there, but goes on to a radical level, saying: "Flee as well the activities of the senses, and imagination, especially all that you have in mind.  Bring all your powers to silence, that God may look, thus, into Himself."  This teaching suggests that the mind is not the path to the Divine.  Silence is.


"Utter silence" is the silencing of judgments.  Nonduality, its principles and practices, lead to the understanding that both good and evil are Divine.  Contemplating the unity of opposites is a portal to enlightenment -- no inside without an outside ; no back without a front.  Seeing everyone and everything as Divine is getting past the notion that evil exist apart from good.  So the savage drama of nature becomes organically reverenced. Such indivisibility challenges most of us.  


A common Christian assumption is that God is goodness and that evil is not divinely ordained.  However, this is not at all the rule. For instance, we read in the King James translation of Isaiah 45:7: "I [God] form the light, and create darkness. I make peace, and create evil." Isaiah acknowledges the absolute inclusivity of the Godhead.  This means that everything that happens is of DivineOrigin. 


Christ Consciousness


This understanding sets the stage for further revelations about the total inclusivity of both God, as well as the total inclusivity of own essence- our most essential identity.  Nothing is separate.  Things exist in relation with something else.  Interdependence describes the whole universe.  "We are each essentially microcosms -- not only in the universe, but the universe itself."  When we realize the indivisibility of reality, we're led to InfiniteCompassion. This level of compassion occurs to ony some of us, though it is in potential for all of us. We see this perspective in the DivineDrama of JesusChrist. 

His torture and crucifixion does not result in an vendictive acts of violence.  Instead, his slaughter results in a revelation of radical inclusivity and forgiveness. This revelation is reenforced by Saint Paul, in his letter to the Romans 11:32: "For God has bound everyone over to disobedience, so that He may have mercy on them all."  Paul's statement recognizes "disobedience" as inevitable, and Divinely ordained.  This is a remarkable development in the Hebrew culture.  The common notion of justice, as meaning retribution, is overturned in Paul's revelation. 

This non-dual revelation leads us away from righteous indignation, and towards InfiniteCompassion, which is a dimension of UnitiveAwareness.  Duality, or personhood, on the other hand, mesmerizes us to think that our individualized body-mind is our essence. Duality also underminds the recognition that collective forces influence everything we do.  We have the impression that our choices are solely attributable to the individualized self. This is an understandable impression, however it falls short of our human potential. Seeing all events as DivinelyOrdained is a quantum leap from the misguided impression that "a person" is the source of good and evil acts.  Radical inclusivity points to ourTrueDivineNature -- this DivineDrama.  You are warmly invited to look further into this perspective. 


It is important to acknowledge that the non-conceptual meditation and similar non-duality teachings are applied in numerous spiritual traditions including: Sufism, Centering Prayer, Transcendental Meditation, Zen Meditation (aka Zazen), Insight Meditation (aka Vipassana), and Non-duality (aka Advaita Vedanta).  All these traditions lead to non-dual awakening. Training in Non-conceptual Meditation prepares practitioners to cross cultures and participate in all non-dual practices. 


Our site has three related sections that provide the necessary orientation and training:


  1. The practice of Non-Conceptual Meditation (Non-duality)
  2. Mindfulness Based Anxiety Reduction, and
  3. Examining the mysticism of the Enlightened Medieval Priest Meister Eckhart. 


We are currently meeting weekly over ZOOM.  Email me at  an I'll fill you in further.  .    


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Get started by beginning your exploration of the site:  Investigate what seems important to you: Non-conceptual Meditation, Mindfulness Based Anxiety Reduction, and/or the mysticism of the Enlightened Priest Meister Eckhart.